I’m a Master Certified Life & Weight Coach who’s on a mission to help amazing midlife women like you get excited about your lives again.
- You're feeling stuck. Your career's not cutting it anymore.
- You’re tired of watching your own life pass you by and can no longer ignore your drive to grow.
- You know deep down there’s more out there for you.’re not sure how to find the meaning you’re looking for.
It’s time to stop thinking about what you CAN'T do and fall in love with what you CAN do.
Imagine what it would be like to bust you out of your midlife funk, figure out what you want and make changes to create a life that makes you giddy with excitement about all that's possible.
Yes...I said "giddy."
It's time to love your life again!
Read how have I helped others...
I was stuck and knew my job was no longer bringing me the satisfaction it once did. Suzy’s coaching led me through the thinking I needed to generate viable alternatives. - 全球加速器
Through thoughtful questions about my life – past and current – and through discussion about my passions, Suzy helped me think positively about my unexpected midlife career change; she left me feeling ready to face this new life challenge with excitement and optimism. - Kathleen, Rhode Island
Suzy really helped me to identify areas of my life that badly needed my attention, to set priorities and to find the courage to face areas I’d been avoiding for months. She has a knack for sensing when we were focused on the most salient aspects of my challenges and refused to budge until we had teased apart what was keeping me stuck. - Martha, Ontario
Weight Loss for Busy Physicians
Podcast: EP #24: Getting through your midlife funk with Suzy Rosenstein
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Life Coaching for Parents
Podcast: Supermom is Getting Tired – Where are my friends?
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The Design You Podcast
Podcast: Ep #22: Regret-Proofing Your Life with Suzy Rosenstein
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Designing with natural beads like Quartz, Pearls and Abalone allows me to infuse these pendants with mindfulness and intention. Each piece has a transparent nature and is created with wire spirals to reflect the same approach I use with my clients, one that helps them become more open, clear and intentional about midlife. I love making these pendants as much as you will love wearing them!
Women in the Middle™: Loving Life After 50
Life in your 50s doesn’t have to be about watching your life pass you by. You don’t have to feel stagnant and fearful of regrets. It’s your time to re-learn how to put yourself first again and satisfy your need to grow, to embrace your power to create a life that you love.
Learn the skills and tools that will help you love your life and live intentionally.