Yesterday I had the opportunity to do the Butte 100 mountain bike race. I decided to give it a shot when quarantine hit and everything else had been cancelled. Still, until yesterday I had never ridden more than 57 miles....
Today is a special day. At least, it’s a special day for me as a priest because one of the most important things I can do in my preaching is to lead you through an exegesis of the scriptures. Exegesis...
What a perfect first reading for my inaugural weekend at Christ the King parish. I think we need to hear those lines again: “Rejoice heartily, O Daughter Zion, shout for joy oh daughter Jerusalem! See, your king shall come to...
I’ve spent substantial time recently reflecting on my time here in Butte, and I never imagined getting my fishing gear and my bike stolen would have been among my fondest memories. Only in a town like Butte could that be...
“With one accord, the crowds paid attention to Philip’s words.” Philip speaks with such authority that he commands the attention of the entire crowd. Not only that, but unclean spirits fled that place, paralytics and cripples were healed. What a...
Death. It’s not a pleasant word. I remember when I first began to understand the idea and I would try to imagine it. There I was, 7-year-old Kirby standing there with my eyes closed, imagining what it meant to cease...
It’s encouraging for me to see the whole situation surrounding the VID because I’ve spent the past three years of my priesthood trying to get people off their screens, occasionally even preaching against the addictive force of social media and...
Peace to those on whom the Lord’s favor rests. One of the great gifts we have as human beings is our capacity to predict the future and plan for it. We do it all the time and it’s crucial to...
Let the Lord enter! He is the king of glory. I was called to the hospital recently to anoint a young man but also informed ahead of time that he likely wasn’t willing to be anointed. I arrived, asked the...
Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! Our last address to an earthly king was a collection of 27 grievances against his majesty, George III (which were promptly ignored), followed by Declaration of Independence which changed the...
Can Christians reconcile the story of creation with evolutionary theory without compromising an authentic reading of scripture or Christian anthropology? Is it necessary to see evolutionary theory with an openness to God in order if we are to explain the...
I had the honor of taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land during my diaconate year in seminary. Part of that trip was a visit to the temple mount, where the great temple of Solomon, and after the exile the...
Since the dawn of time, humans have yearned for immortality. Even Friedrich Neitzsche, certainly no Christian thinker, said “All joy wills eternity, wills deep, deep, eternity.” Death is our enemy and we instinctively fight it. The ancient Greeks spoke of...
In my undergraduate work at Carroll, I chose to study almost exclusively with Pre-Med girls. They were far-and-away the most regimented, focused students at Carroll. They were reliable, goal-oriented, they never complained about their workload, and when I was studying...
I was raised in the United Methodist Church founded upon the spectacular preaching of John Wesley and the simple yet beautiful hymnody of his brother Charles. Worship in the Methodist Church of my youth began with a hymn, scripture reading,...
This is the 1st of four lectures given to the Catholic Youth Coalition on Fundamental Theology. This lecture was on the existence of God. Can we discard the idea of God without losing the ability to explain the world as...
Life in this world often feels like 10,000 facing off against 20,000. When we study the lives of those who have gone before us or look out into the future as prudently as we can to see hardship, bad fortune...
The gospel today appears to come straight from a book on succeeding in business, from How to Win Friends and Influence People or 7 Habits of Highly Successful People or whatever happens to be the newest trend in manipulating those...
I come not to bring peace but division. Wait, Lord, aren’t you the prince of peace? Is not the entirety of the High Priestly Prayer at the last supper aimed toward unity? Isn’t the sermon on the mount the source...
We as members of the mystical body of Christ do not presume to correct the world by means of some secret wisdom, something which makes us more fit to judge what is right and wrong. We correct, judge, condemn the...
This homily differs from many I’ve preached in my two years as a priest in that it is eminently practical. I have refrained from practical homilies because I see a need for refocusing on Jesus Christ himself. I still see...
The gospel today is a deep and profound example of the ancient grappling between work and prayer. How are Christians to live? Are we to focus our energies on prayer? Are we to always put the focus on work and...
This week is a Popecast unlike any other. Our pope this episode was not only the first in history to resign his office, but he did so after being exiled alongside his archrival, a man who had set himself up...
Often, in history, a certain thing seems to jump out of place, whether it be way ahead or behind its proper time. We tend to realize this only after the fact. My grandfather, who was a pilot in World War...
We find ourselves in an interesting time and place as Catholics in Butte. So many things in our day are challenging our faith both within the Church and, as always, from the outside. I know a few Catholics who are...
Welcome to this beautiful celebration- one that's increasingly rare in our generation, for we Millennials want our freedom, we want to find ourselves, we want to follow our bliss and live our best lives. Roy and Aislinn- you have chosen...
I spent the past week at a Wilderness First Responder course near Centennial, Wyoming. I wanted an earthy experience so I camped out spending some nights sleeping out and a few of the colder nights in the bed of my...
You are focused and passionate young Catholics, part of a deep and profound tradition of young men and women who have trusted the Church's wisdom, which tells us what will and will not make us happy. You trusted the Church...
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” This is strait out of Leviticus, the law of Moses 3500 years ago. So, where would Jesus get the idea that he is suddenly giving us a new commandment...
The Apostle John opens his eyes to the multitudes of heaven. A vision of countless souls from every nation, race, people, and tongue. As we saw in last week’s gospel when Peter pulled the 153 fish ashore, the sign of...
In today’s first reading, the exasperated members of the Sanhedrin ask the apostles why they continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ after they had been beaten, put in jail, and strictly ordered them not to preach the name....
Christ is Risen- Indeed, He is Risen! Wait… Is he though? Did Jesus Christ really rise from the dead? Sure, the tomb is empty, but what does that mean? That might seem like an inappropriate question for a priest to...
“God cannot suffer, but he can suffer with us.” These beautiful and mysterious words from St. Bernard of Clairvaux are at home in the gospel today. It is difficult for us to see Jesus weeping: why? For the same reason...
This post originally appeared at the National Catholic Register. On a Sunday morning not long ago, I was having breakfast with one of those friends you don’t see often enough, despite living in the same town and attending the same...
I’m Fr Kirby Longo, Carroll Graduate from the class of 2012 and priest in Butte, MT. It’s an honor to be here and so odd to think I was in your seat only seven years ago- correction, I was never...
This, the final part of my four-part formation for the CYC board in the Diocese of Helena, addresses the moral life. The main question is: Does God want us to be happy? We need to ask this because what the...
The gospel today is amazing and complex, to complex for a single homily. During lent it’s worth spending time in prayer with the temptations of Christ: pleasure, power, and vainglory, for they will give us an incredible insight into our...
In my Ethical Theory class at Carroll, I was presenting on some moral quandary, perhaps the question of hiding Jews in the Holocaust when you have small children of your own who would be in sudden danger and could also...
I don’t preach on St. Paul very often, but when I do, it’s usually confusing and complicated. That’s because Paul himself is complicated and difficult to understand. Yet, I feel compelled to address this reading today because it’s an opportunity...
In my experience, the Beatitudes are some of the most beautiful and least understood words Jesus ever spoke. I remember attending a beatitudes-themed summer camp as a kid and after about two days of watching the 20 year-old counselors stumble...
I’m Fr. Kirby, I’ve been in Butte almost two years. From Billings originally, grew up a Methodist, sought the Lord in a variety of places before I felt called to enter the Catholic Church and eventually the priesthood. I will...
Why did Jesus choose Peter, the fisherman, to be the rock on which he build his Church? Because he wanted to make absolutely clear the nature of the thing at work- this is not the result of human ingenuity, not...
Is God trustworthy? We often don’t ask this question because it seems absurd. I seems as though we are traveling back in time to ancient Greece and the God we speak of is Zeus- then this question is suddenly relevant....
While I was teaching at Central this past week, I had a conversation with my students that simultaneously fascinated and horrified me, but seemed so incredibly relevant to the first reading today that I had to relay it. Before telling...
I’m here because Garrett and I worked fire together for three summers while we were in college. For those of you who have little or no experience in the field, it can be intense at times which forms a pretty...
Today we finish the Christmas season with a feast that seems at first glance to be out of place. With Christmas being the celebration of the incarnation, the feasts of the Holy Family, Mary Mother of God and Epiphany still...
A worker of miracles, a battler of barbarians, and someone described as a man who lived to perfection the saying “pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you.” This week it's Pope #103, St....
While in seminary, I worked on a ranch in Wyoming located just across the road from a cloistered Carmelite monastery. While on the ranch, I had quite a few opportunities to attend daily mass at the monastery. They rarely preached...
Much of our world loves St. Francis simply because he loved animals and preached the gospel to them. Which is funny because when I was in Assisi, a Franciscan told me that Francis only went and preached the gospel to...
(c) Laing Art Gallery; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation I was discussing options for college with a young man recently who happens to be an impressive athlete so although he may not be the most astute, he has a...
This is the third part in a four part formation series for the Catholic Youth Coalition in the Diocese of Helena. With only one session to look at the Church, I focused in on the martyrs and Desert Fathers and...
The climate of western culture has brought about a new form of dialogue usually consisting of carefully crafted homage to tolerance followed by a lambasting of anyone who disagrees. This unfortunate new disposition has fueled two counter movements, the first...
Why do the scriptures so often speak to us of the end times when God obviously doesn't plan to tell us his plan for that day of judgment? In fact, it does not even seem a part of Jesus’ divine...
This post originally appeared in the National Catholic Register. It has been reposted with permission. -- In the second book of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, we find the Ents – the ancient humanoid race of tree-like creatures,...
“Sh’ma Yisrael, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad.” These are the first words of the great commandment which Moses gave to the people of Israel. Faithful Jews still recite the Sh’ma as the centerpiece of their morning and evening prayer each day....
Most everyone is familiar with the idea of a scapegoat. Today, it’s someone who ends up taking the blame unnecessarily for someone else’s mistake or many peoples mistakes. Often in a company, a mid-level executive is fired when something major...
This is the 2nd part of a four part series I am giving to the CYC Board in our diocese, discussing the theology of the cross, what it tells us about God and about ourselves. Unfortunately, I didn't record...
When I was in 5th grade, an investment broker came and spoke to my class about Wall Street, and proceeded to tell us about a rock solid company he loved and where he had- along with many Montanans- most his...
Who is saved? What is it necessary for salvation? We ask questions in this arena often, and rarely do the answers not make us uncomfortable. That’s because an easy answer to that question either errors on the side of universalism-...
Jesus speaks to the Pharisees from the prophet Isaiah today saying, “These people’s honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Given the immense, systematic sin that has been exposed in the hierarchy of the Catholic...
There’s a lot going on this weekend! We are celebrating the Hibernians who have gone before us, as well as a mass for the election of a new bishop as we intercede across our whole diocese for the man who...
Tackling a sensitive and precipitous problem facing the Church. Marina, Clarke, and Matt talk about the scandal, its causes, its cover-ups, and the need for prayer and fasting. Not an episode for the faint of heart. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: ...
This gospel could not be more applicable to society today. It’s incredible to me just how easily I can fall into the typical American (western) “busy” lifestyle. I find myself running one place to the next with ferocious efficiency, never...
Paul tells us in today’s epistle that, “We have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavishes upon us.” This past week I had the opportunity to be with...
There's something adventurous in expecting more of yourself, and knowing why you do things. No adventure comes from doing what everyone else is doing. Check out Marina (and Mr. Marina)'s new Insta account: RATE / REVIEW/ SUBSCRIBE – at iTunes SUPPORT THE...
No text for this week from Fr. Kirby, but have a listen! Above or at iTunes... Support Mountain Catholic:
While Marina's off getting married (and Matt & Clarke are in town for the festivities...pray for Marina and John!), here's a talk Matt did recently in Spokane for the St. Aloysius Church Young Adult Pub Night. RATE / REVIEW/...
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Apparently love doesn't win. Apathy wins. At least it does if we let it. P.S. Clarke is back! (Sorry for the wonky audio...working on that for next episode) SUPPORT THE PODCAST (get Clarke a mic!): FOLLOW: @mtncatholic | @wherevershegoes...
This Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ. There are multiple layers to this feast, each of which reveals an ever deeper and greater mystery. This feast, when all is said and done, concerns...
Listen at iTunes | “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” -Ronald Reagan SUPPORT & GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: IN THIS EPISODE Catechism of the Catholic Church on the sanctity of human life - LINK Jeremiah 1:5 - LINK Pope...
Our society loves science ... but also astrology? iTUNES | SUPPORT THE PODCAST MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Astrology (Catholic Encyclopedia): The Pit of Culture episode on Vikings: [BOOK] Brideshead Revisited (by Evelyn Waugh):
What amazing timing to graduate on the great Solemnity of Pentecost. The day the Holy Spirit descended upon the Church. I hear many of you celebrated this great feast with a bonfire last night – how fitting! I mentioned on...
We tend to lose our imagination as adults. Part of the unfortunate fallout is our lack of creative thought surrounding heaven. We also don’t think of heaven often enough, and when we do we tend to have a lame view...
Wait, a pope was actually condemned as a heretic by an ecumenical council of the Church? Sounds like the jig is up – papal infallibility is a false doctrine! Right? Well...we shall see. Closing out the three-part Infallibility Series, it's...
Which would you rather be: a nice person or a good person? (Sorry for the delay...Matt was on his honeymoon) SUPPORT THE PODCAST: (REMINDER! Donate $10 or more a month and you pick the next two popes we feature...
For all of history, there has been a mysterious and romantic relationship between mankind and the grape vine, in particular with its capacity to produce wine. Francis Saltus’ poetry sums it up well. There is a power within the succulent...
The oldest image in the catacombs comes from today’s gospel, the image of the good shepherd. It depicts Jesus standing with a lamb upon his shoulders and dates to the end of the first century. I thought about this ancient... turns out that there's an episode of Difficult Situations that never got released! This is that episode. All about being a good person. And why striving for only that is stupid, and beneath your dignity. SUPPORT THE PODCAST:
This week's pope was one of the only guys to have been an anti-pope before getting legitimately elected, he pretty much killed his predecessor, and was a bit of a wuss to boot. Yes, even the Bishop of Rome can be...
Speaker & author Katie Prejean McGrady joins the Popecast to chat about Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice & Be Glad), her recent trip to Rome for a pre-Synod gathering of young people, and how Pope Francis knows exactly what he's...
There is so much going this Sunday: we have a bunch of awesome kids receiving first communion, the Easter octave is complete and its Divine Mercy Sunday. God loves us perfectly, but his love is manifest most intensely in his...
Listeners had questions (after the first episode, you know, about man's duty to pursue). Arleen has answers. Listen here and at iTunes. LINKS Support the podcast on Patreon [BOOK] The Dance of Fear: Rising Above Anxiety, Fear, and Shame...
In the whole history of the Church, there are few characters as fascinating and enigmatic as St. Francis of Assisi. Since the time of Christ, no one more visibly modeled his life after Christ’s own life. His radical poverty, deep...
Holy Thursday has always been a special mass for priests because we celebrate on this night the institution of the ministerial priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. Jesus ordains his apostles as the first priests at the Last Supper. Given this...
Marina comes up for air to rejoin the podcast after having her nose in a textbook all semester. Talking about the sexual harassment crisis, porn use, #MeToo, why we care, Christian morality, Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae, Natural Family Planning (not the rhythm...
Passion Sunday always brings with it the entire crucifixion narrative even though it is a full five days prior to the crucifixion itself. Why is this? The Church wants to give us time to contemplate this greatest of mysteries, the...
It's a bit of a bummer, being the first pope to not be named a saint. The first non-saint pope in 350 years and the only one in 5 centuries was still pretty holy, but people thought he might be...
Our Gospel this fifth Sunday in Lent gives us a watershed moment, though it’s veiled in an apparently insignificant story. A few Greeks want to meet Jesus- a simple request- yet when his disciples approach him, he suddenly breaks into...
Paul VI was nothing short of a prophet. He called out society’s future ills decades before they actually happened, and reigned as pope through the assassination of an American President, the sexual revolution, and a sweeping reform in the Church....
The scriptures today- both Old Testament and Gospel- can be difficult and confusing. The Sacrifice of Isaac has challenged scholars, spiritual writers as well as everyday Jews and Christians for millennia. How could God possibly demand Abraham to sacrifice his...
Ever wonder where the official list of the books of the Bible came from? Well, this guy you’re about to learn about is who we have to thank. Every single one of those 73 books you find in Catholic Bibles...
Lent is upon us, and we have just the pope. It’s the guy who instituted giving out ashes on Ash Wednesday. The former monk. The humble, generous pontiff who basically founded Western Civilization. On our Ash Wednesday edition, it's St....
Leprosy was one of the great and terrible mysteries of the ancient world. Anyone who caught the horrible contagion- or anything that remotely resembled it- was immediately exiled. As the reading from Leviticus tells us: The one who bears the...
You read that right. This guy was pope THREE TIMES. In our first "bad pope" episode, we're covering a guy the Catholic Encyclopedia called a "disgrace to the Chair of Peter."
Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese-born woman, was kidnapped around age 7 by Arab slave traders. For the next 12 years she was sold 4 times, on each occasion to a new vile, brutal slaver. The trauma of her young life was...
This week we’ve got a pope who was here to chew bubblegum and battle heresy … and he was fresh out of bubblegum. He also once convinced Attila the Hun to hightail it out of Rome. In short, he’s one...
No matter where we look today, we see angry talking heads. Flip on any news channel, right or left, and there they are. Sometimes I notice they’ve managed to stuff 6-8 people on there, all yelling, grimacing, looking smug. When...
This week’s pope was elected in the most unusual of ways. A bird landed on his head. That's right, A BIRD. SUPPORT THE PODCAST:
It can be hard for many of to dive into the story of Jonah- because like the story of Noah, and perhaps even the story of creation, it’s become a children’s story that we see ourselves “growing out of” or...
Our friend Arleen Spenceley, author of the book Chastity is for Lovers, joins the podcast this week to talk about chastity and the nature of pursuit in a relationship -- up to and including marriage. Also, Marina is absent this week...
Samuel is a fascinating and unique character in the history of Israel, and in many ways a rare and clear foreshadowing of Christ’s role as priest, prophet, and king. Samuel is born to the barren Hannah, but raised in the...
Here's a pope who knew more than one of the Apostles -- the ACTUAL APOSTLES -- personally, and who wrote a document that was thiiiis close to being included in the canon of the Bible. Batting cleanup for the young...
This week on the Popecast we’ve got a pope who came to power after 1000 days of an empty papal chair, a guy who wasn’t even a priest when he was elected! Our pontiff this week butted heads with ambitious...
It is the feast of The Epiphany, arrival of the wise men, the Magi. More than that, it’s that moment when the covenant is expanded, the day when it is manifest in all its glory to the Gentiles. The new...
Something looks a little different around here... Oh, and one of our patrons asked for thoughts on making a good confession. These are our thoughts. SUPPORT THE PODCAST - Twitter: @MtnCatholic; @MatthewJSewell; @wherevershegoes Email:
Listen above or subscribe on iTunes Whether you’re Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, an Atheist, or something in between -- the popes of the Roman Catholic Church matter. Sure, there are 1.2 billion of the world’s citizens who pledge their loyalty to...
My sister moved to Butte a few years ago. She told me a story that shortly after arriving, she was introducing herself to an elderly woman at her workplace. She only introduced herself by her first name and the woman...
I recently listened to a fascinating TED talk on the human brain in all its mystery and complexity. It spurred me onto a little research binge and it turns out Neuroscience has seen incredible breakthroughs in recent years, some of...
Is it not a massive injustice for God to create us such that our only happiness comes in relationship with him- our creator- and then go and promptly hide himself from us? How is it possible that we can so...
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, back home in Montana with my family, we were flipping through channels at my grandparents’ house and found the animated classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It had probably been six or eight years since I’d seen...
The Jewish people have a keen sense of the holiness of God according to the true definition of the word- that he is set apart. A beautiful example is the veil which separated the Holy place from the Holy...
Be watchful! Be Alert! That is what Jesus tells us today. It is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of this season of hopeful expectation. Will Jesus come? We already know he will, he came almost 2000 years...
It’s the Feast of Christ the King- What a beautiful feast! When you think of this feast- if you put much consideration into it at all- you probably imagine it as an ancient ritual, one dating to the early...
I was reading the spiritual memoir of a Jesuit who, as a young man, was assigned to work with the Missionaries of Charity- Mother Teresa’s order- only a few years after they began their work in Calcutta. The first...
___ 29th Sunday OT_Cycle A Matthew 22:15-21 ___ The first thing I was warned about when coming to Butte was to be wary when talking about politics. And in the inadequate time I have spent studying the history of this...
We back! Season 3 kicks off with Matt & Marina chatting about whether time is really the best measure of readiness for marriage. Clarke returns next week... (dang parent-teacher conferences) We mentioned the new podcast "The Priest and the...
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When I was about eight, my parents got a dog named and we named it Fido. Fido was - we found out shortly after picking him up from the pound - pure evil. He was not a bad dog in...
I may be dating myself here, but there was a popular video game about ten years ago called Guitar Hero that a friend and I really enjoyed. Within a few days of playing this game, my buddy and I were...
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A) -- For much of the middle ages there was a very interesting tradition in the Papal Household. A single monk, known for his humble disposition, was chosen to stand silently in the presence...
--- 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle A --- It is naturally impossible for us, as people who live in time and space, to transcend our particular culture and worldview in hopes of getting a more objective perspective on this...
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Wedding: Peter and Anna Weber *** In this- the year of marriage- for so many of my friends, I have noticed a maturity I really appreciate, which I guess I would call gravitas, or a weightiness of demeanor from so many...
--- 20th Sunday OT_Cycle A Matthew 15:21-28 --- How often have we prayed to God for the healing of a friend or family member, and a few days later, when nothing miraculous has happened, we raise our eyes to heaven...
Spiritual Warfare: do our efforts matter in the Spiritual Life? I had the honor of being the chaplain at Legendary Lodge this past week for the 5th-6th grade girls camp, and it was an absolute blast. These girls had endless...
READINGS Genesis 2: 18-24 Psalm 148 Romans 12: 1-2, 9-18 Matthew 5:13-16 *** God, in his eternal plan, knew that our group of friends didn’t have a chance without at least one priest- he had a dozen options for Catholic...
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A) Matthew 13: 44-52 Antony, a 16-year-old Egyptian living in the Second Century, walked into mass one Sunday just as the gospel began. The passage was Matthew 19: “Go sell all that you have,...
What the heck is that cat doing with you in a coffee shop? LINKS Bishop George Thomas' 2017 ordination homily Review The Pit of Culture on iTunes! TWITTER
15th Sunday - Cycle A Gospel: Mt. 13:1-23 I had the honor of con-celebrating a wedding for some of my good friends Friday. They are an amazing couple; they are talented, good together, and so excited about their faith. The...
I am a recent convert to the world of the smart-phone. Well, I guess I had more of a re-conversion. I had dabbled in smart phones previously, but I never really embraced it so I found myself only using the...
Okay, so this is a little late to the 4th of July party. Support the Podcast: Find us on Twitter: @wherevershegoes @MatthewJSewell @MtnCatholic
If there is ever a mass in which a priest will be forgiven for talking briefly about himself in his homily- it’s his mass of thanksgiving. So, I will take advantage of that: From my young teenage years through much...
Dr. Anthony Esolen joined the podcast this week to discuss his great new book, Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture. Also, Dr. Esolen may or may not have gotten Clarke a date. Buy this book! Support the Podcast:
Matt, Marina, and Clarke review Anthony Esolen's outstanding new book, Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture. It's really good, y'all. Get the book: Find us on Twitter: @wherevershegoes @MatthewJSewell @MtnCatholic
Unfortunately, my time here in Boulder has come to an end. I find the gospel of the Good Shepherd a fitting one to conclude my ministry at St. Toms, because it gives me an opportunity to meditate on what I...
Pets are cute and cuddly, but how far should our affections for them go? And should they ever be referred to as "children"? Marina's friend Clarke (and his glass of scotch) joins the podcast this week. Support the podcast!
Marina and Matt talk the value of human work, and the all-important distinction that work isn't just something you're paid to do. Support the podcast: Twitter: @MatthewJSewell & @wherevershegoes
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Good, good, good, good vibrations. Support the Podcast! Follow us on Facebook, the Twits, and Instagram - @mtncatholic Matt - @MatthewJSewell Marina - @wherevershegoes
Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney (Australia) Bishop Richard Umbers joins Matt and Marina on the podcast this week, covering everything from making the mistake of asking the Lord what He wants of us and the works of St. Josemaria Escriva, to Harambe...
Because that's what St. Perpetua did. On International Women's Day and profound witnesses to womanhood. TWITTER: Support Us!
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Creating good habits for saving money, eating right, and exercising are important when you're young. Why are prayer and the spiritual life any different? Listen on iTunes *** LINKS The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva Furrow - St. Josemaria Escriva The Forge - St....
St. Fabian served the Church from January 10, 236 to January 20, 250 as our 20th pope, at a time when Christianity was still very much illegal. Despite that, he was able to get along with the imperial government relatively...
*** “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where–” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter...
Much more exciting than it sounds. Marina & Matt chat about relationships, drama, and the Friend Zone, all covered in Sarah Swafford's book Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-free Relationships. LINKS (Outro music) Haste the Morning by David & Deidre...
Because authentic masculinity and femininity is infinitely better, are they not? LINKS Into the Breach (letter to men; Bishop Thomas Olmsted): Mulieris Dignitatem (John Paul II): Theology of the Body:
Babies are great, aren’t they? There’s just so much to marvel at. The sparkle in their eyes, their easy laughter, their odd noises. That tiny human really has it made — people jump at the very sound of them to...
I was reading The Lord by Romano Guardini at 1 a.m., as I am wont to do when I’ve sufficiently freaked myself out by watching Criminal Minds while home alone, and I was struck with the realization of something I had never...
Marina and Matt grill the other Matt about his recent five days in San Antonio, spent with 12,000 of his closest friends. #seek2017 LINKS Other epic podcasts about SEEK The Crunch - How-to Catholic -
Notice I didn’t ask if your life is messy. Of course it is. Whose isn’t? The kicker is whether or not we let our lives be the mess that they are. Do we try to hide our own brokenness, hide...
Have you ever realized that Mary, when she raised Jesus, didn't know the end of the story? Our friend Marina Olson joins the podcast and talks about a recent blog post on the topic (link below). POST: BOOKS "The Lord"...
In his first novel, Carving Names: The Hum of Hostility, our friend Christopher Nelson has crafted a work that is both adventurous and insightful. Set in Helena, MT, the book tells the story of a young man, Sean, who has been...
Because we've been lame and haven't podcasted in forever, here's a talk Matt S. gave at the Eastern Washington University Newman Center a few weeks back on faith and our dependence on media. New podcasts coming soon! LINKS MENTIONED IN...
This article originally appeared on Fathers for Good. With an active infant at home, my wife and I have few moments for deep reflection. Life has been a long series of “in-the-moment” tasks as we respond to the needs of...
Check out the latest homily from Fr. Garrett Nelson, from Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent.
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“Humility is the mother of giants. One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.” - Father Brown, The Hammer of God (G.K. Chesterton) Tonight I learned that the parish priest of my childhood, Fr. Patrick McGurk of...
The Church gives us some crazy eschatological readings today. She invites us to contemplate the end of time. But to understand it from a different angle I want to focus in on the second reading from St. Paul (2 Thes 3:7-12);...
Just a few weeks ago, golf nuts around the world rejoiced. Tiger Woods put a date on his long-awaited return to professional golf, this time to really make a run at the World No. 1 ranking he once held. It...
What if I don't find what I'm supposed to do with my life? What if I don't make enough money? What if I never find real intimacy in life? What if they don't like me? What if I'm always lonely?...
Don't be discouraged by these saints' weird-sounding names. Listen in for a great story of two enemies who became friends...and saints.
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Even the casual baseball fan has felt the deep sadness surrounding the recent death of Jose Fernandez, a 24-year-old superstar pitcher for the Miami Marlins. Universally recognized for a broad grin, charismatic personality, and devotion to those around him, Fernandez seemed to...
A reader recently wrote into Mountain Catholic with a tough question: “How do you remain charitable in a cutthroat work environment, where people are rewarded for their Machiavellian practices?” Normally, I would say, “Quit.” But that’s simply not realistic. Giving...
In his latest homily, from St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, Deacon Kirby Longo reminds us to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.
Ready to have your mind blown? Article: 4 Literally Awesome Facts About Our Lady of Guadalupe
Why everyone should watch the dopest, most religious show on TV right now: History Channel's Vikings. Remarkably few spoilers.
Do you even lift, bro? St. Hyacinth, sure did, and because of that he’s the patron saint of weightlifters. This master of strength was born in Silesia, Poland in 1185. He later became a priest in Krakow, where he distinguished...
Dear Catholic Girl, So, there’s this girl. And, I've had girls before in my life who I have asked out, or shown interest in before. But, in many cases, it seems that if it doesn’t work out, because sometimes it...
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So....just because you're right doesn't mean you're right.
I’ve talked some recently about issues surrounding, in particular, habitual and “Come to Jesus” types of sins, and I’ve encouraged people to seek out confession and to pray for the theological virtues. And I still do. However, I also wanted...
What a loaded question to ask Jesus: “Lord will only a few people be saved?” And typical of the Master, He doesn’t answer the question directly. This is a question that evokes extremes. If you asked Catholics before Vatican II, the...
Matthew & Matthew interview Fr. Mike Schmitz of Bulldog Catholic and talk about challenges to faith on a college campus, crazy conversions, and the Olympics (among other things).
This the debut column for a new Mountain Catholic feature called "Dear Catholic Girl..." Send your own questions to ****** Hey Catholic Girl, So my girlfriend has been with guys before me, and I’ve been with girls before her. And I’d...
Click play to listen or read the full text below. Whenever Jesus begins to grow in popularity, he says something very difficult in order to purify our motives for following him. The gospel today is a great example. Jesus...
Unless you happen to live under a rock, you know that there is an election coming up in a few months here in these United States. On top of the usual furor and anxiety that this season usually brings to...
Flyfishing and hiking...they're just like the spiritual life.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of St. John Paul II’s clandestine visit to Montana. While serving as the Archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla came to America to participate in the Eucharistic Congress held in Philadelphia in the summer...
Though it’s been 14 years since the Church sex abuse scandal initially broke, many people are still asking important questions about the progress of reform and the steps being taken by the Church prevent such a crisis from ever happening...
Sometimes we talk about serious stuff. Featuring special guest Marina Olson of the Eating Peaches blog over at Patheos. Here's the link to the blog post referenced in the podcast.
In 325 AD, because there was much strife in the Church, Constantine called all the bishops to gather at a council in Nicaea. At this council, there was a solid contingent of what we refer to today as Arians. They...
After opening up Facebook the other day, one of the site's ever-so-regulated trending stories caught my eye. The headline had to do with Donald Trump's running mate, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, specifically an op-ed he supposedly wrote in 1999...
A version of this article first appeared on Aleteia. ***** "Do we convert souls by diluting and capitulating?" "I hope Jesus doesn't lower His standards in hopes of making us more committed" "Here we go, changing our values to meet...
Photo: Deacon Kirby Longo skiing through fresh powder somewhere in Montana. “Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” John Locke, the great English political theorist would probably have picked that passage from Timothy as his least...
Poopy diapers can teach us a lot about the spiritual life. Click below to listen to our latest podcast on fatherhood. Photo Credit:
Happy Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola! In honor of the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), I've compiled a list of his pithy sayings. "All for the greater glory of God!" "The man who sets about making...
So, women and men are pretty different in many ways and very similar in others. As someone reading a Catholic think site on the internet, you probably realized this at some point in your life. I think for me, that...
That show with Jesus and the guy from Lost. Listen below or click here to listen on iTunes.
“In most cases it would have been possible to do something better than what an individual person actually did do. And yet it would be wrong to say that one is always duty-bound to do the best possible thing. That...
Chances are, if you're reading this, you have a friend or seventeen who are on pilgrimage to World Youth Day this week in Krakow, Poland. But you aren't there, and this probably perfectly describes you having to stay home: Well,...
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This homily was given on the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C. Today Jesus teaches us how to pray. To preach a homily on the Lord's Prayer is intriguing; it is simultaneously the most influential and common prayer in history...
This story originally appeared at Crisis Magazine. It has been republished with permission. A story in Florence, Italy recently caught the attention of many around the world. It was big news when public outcry caused Florentine city officials to backtrack...
This article originally appeared on Catholic Exchange. It has been published with permission. Jesus asks a number of different questions in the Gospels, but one in particular always stood out to me, “Do you believe that I can do this?”...
In the essay titled, “Christianity and Rationalism,” G.K. Chesterton addresses the skeptics of his day who question the validity of Christianity. He takes each of their arguments and shows how the objection of the skeptics actually gives credence to the...
This post originally appeared on Aleteia. It has been published with permission. “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” I don’t know much about Joseph Heller, but if he could pen these words I’m certain he was...
Not exactly a question you hear Catholics ask often.
What do St. Francis of Assisi and the parable of the Good Samaritan have in common? Listen to Fr. Nelson's latest homily to find out.
Deacon Longo preached this homily at his sister's wedding. Although the homily is addressed to the particular couple the message it contains is universal. Mass readings: Sirach 26: 1-4, 13-16; Psalm 34: 2-9; Romans 12: 1-2, 9-18; Mark 10: 6-9. Kathryn and Eric,...
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I recently stumbled upon an article on Aleteia, in which the author, Joanne McPortland, proposes making a list of our enemies and intentionally praying for them every day. This isn’t a radically new idea, but it is a radical practice...
In this homily, Fr. Nelson invites us to reflect on one of Jesus' toughest questions: "Who do you say that I am?" You can find the Mass readings here.
The perfect time to bring up Costco hot dogs.
If our modern society had a list of banned words (heck, we might be close), at the top of the list would probably be obedience. In our world of self-assured decision making and an "I can do what I want" attitude,...
The following homily was given by Deacon Kirby Longo at SS Cyril and Methodius Parish on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. When I was playing basketball in elementary school, the coolest tournament to go to was always...
"Google it, but be careful." - John Hall Our amateur canon law expert, John Hall, discusses the nuts and bolts of what makes a marriage valid or invalid, while Matthew Petesch and Matthew Sewell make sure he doesn't use too many...
This post was originally published on Aleteia. It has been shared with permission. Bishop George Leo Thomas of the Diocese of Helena, Montana, often jokes that God is always tweeting His wisdom at us through his favorite messengers, the elderly....
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Loosely based on the post "If you died tomorrow, where would you go?" our inaugural podcast has Matthew Sewell and Matthew Petesch talking about life's most important questions, the fragility and sometimes suddenness of death, and what Mountain Catholic is all...
This post originally appeared at Crisis Magazine. It has been reposted with permission. One need not recount again the abominable details of Brock Turner’s “20 minutes of action,” or those of his trial and recent conviction on three counts of sexual...
"The new evangelization in which the whole continent is engaged means that faith cannot be taken for granted, but must be explicitly proposed in all its breadth and richness" - St. John Paul II After two weeks of planning, building,...
The Daleiden case saw a new development yesterday, as one of the two charges against him was dismissed by a Texas judge. Though the Center for Medical Progress and some pro-life media outlets instantly spun the decision as validation of...
Because Marriage existed as a part of God's natural plan for human beings before Christ elevated it to the level of a sacrament, it can be hard to understand what makes a marriage valid and sacramental, valid and merely natural, or...
Fr. Garrett Nelson's Homily from June 6, 2016.
I’ve experienced some truly wonderful things in my short life. I’ve married my beautiful wife, visited Rome, and seen Ken Griffey, Jr. hit a home run, but nothing compares to the joy of seeing the birth of my son. There...
Life is a funny thing. That we can inhale and exhale, consume food and drink, create things with our hands, think things with our brains, witness beauty with our eyes, take in the scents of our surroundings, or choose to...
Whenever a group of people gathers in Aspen, Colorado, the reason typically has little to do with matters of faith, and is perhaps often devoid of faith altogether. But with a new movement beginning at Aspen's local Catholic parish, that may become the case...
Before I got married, I had actively discerned a vocation to the priesthood for about four years. During that time I read a number of books that aided me in the discernment process. Most of the books on this list have been...
Fr. Garrett Nelson's homily from May 1, 2016.
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A lot of the time when a young man is trying to work out his vocational discernment with fear and trembling, the greatest obstacle in his way is accurate information about what his life in any of the hypothetical vocation...
Thus declares the antagonist of Flannery O' Connor's story, Wise Blood. He's tapping into the general shallowness of our thought about salvation and what it means for us. If you can fill up your car with gas and drive off...
Fr. Garrett Nelson's homily from April 10, 2016.
One of the most picturesque views in Montana comes into focus when rounding the bend on eastbound Interstate 90, about 6 miles from the historic city of Butte. On the towering East Ridge overlooking the city sits the third-tallest statue in...
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The 1999 movie Office Space is one of American film's greatest cult classics, poignantly depicting mundane office life through the eyes of fed-up workers at a typical 90s software company. Many who haven't seen the movie may know it from its popular quotes...
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NOTE: This column appears in full at Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at When I think of religious misconceptions and the Catholic Church, I legitimately have to stifle a laugh as I think to...
"Arrest him. For what? He's dangerous! Libel. He's a spy! That man's bad!" (A Man For All Seasons) The moment political news (let's be honest, any news—Kanye/Wiz Khalifa Twitter fight, anyone?) develops, one seems obliged to choose a side and have...
Let's be honest, moms always tend to know what's best for their kids. From the time we're little to far past adulthood, mothers in our lives always have the sage advice to make our lives better. Even if it's frustrating, even...
For even the most adroit of readers, the Scriptural texts that constitute the Bible can be complex and difficult to understand, not only in terms of content and meaning, but also with respect to their origin and purpose. The Bible...
Q. What is the Rosary? How do you pray it? When do you pray it? Are there different kinds? A. The Rosary is perhaps the most commonly known and most popular form of devotion practiced by Catholics and, believe it or...
The year 2016 is upon us, and you know what that means – it’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions. As you’re choosing your new fitness program and life style improvements don’t forget to include a spiritual component to...
Star Wars Episode VII is the movie that I've been waiting for since roughly 1997, or whenever it was that I saw Return of the Jedi for the first time and wondered when the next installment would arrive. Star Wars...
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NOTE: This column is hosted by and has been updated from it’s original at Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at -- Q. Please explain if the Catholic faith supports the belief that only Catholics go...
To read the first 5 truth bombs on marriage, click here. You won't regret it. Weddings are a big deal in our culture. Between the months of June & September (and all year on Pinterest...ladies) there's hardly anything else on the minds...
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates When reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” one is struck by its multiple uses of animal imagery. The mother’s kerchief looks “like a rabbit's ears,” the grandmother’s valise looks “like...
NOTE: This column is hosted by and has been updated from it’s original at Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at **** A survey is an interesting thing. Though valuable in its ability to grasp...
How do you become a saint? This question was once posed to St. Thomas Aquinas who responded, rather bluntly, “Will it!” As terse as it is, Aquinas’ answer is perfect. Sanctity is fundamentally simple in essence – if you choose...
Today is the climactic finale of the Church's liturgical season, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Next Sunday we will inaugurate a new liturgical year that begins with the joyful anticipation of Advent. The solemnity of Christ the King has always...
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C.S. Lewis' famous book, The Screwtape Letters, came out in 1942, smack in the middle of World War II. When the book, a satirical series of "letters" written by a demon uncle to his demon nephew, was released, Europe was still fighting to keep its citizens and...
“All human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful.” These words of Flannery O’Connor give us the interpretive key to understanding her fiction. At the heart of all of her short stories is a...
A big, huge event just ended in Rome a couple days ago. At least, if you followed the American media you'd think it was huge, anyway. The Synod on the Family, though significant enough in its ability to be a litmus...
This post originally appears at Crisis Magazine. It has been shared with permission. In September 1953, a group of 20-somethings and their young parish priest embarked on the first of what would be 26 annual kayaking trips into the wilderness near where they...
In case you've somehow managed to avoid hearing about it, there happens to be a synod of bishops in Rome right now discussing "the vocation and mission of the family in the contemporary world.” Pope Francis has called this gathering...
The wait is over! For the first time in seven years the Chicago Cubs are in the playoffs and one step closer to winning the World Series; a feat that has escaped them for over a century. Cubs fans finally...
Have you been searching for your next favorite novel? Look no further! Here are ten novels every Catholic should read. You’ll notice that there is no mention of Chesterton, Lewis, or Tolkien. I left their works out, because most people...
The following is adapted from a talk that I gave to a High-School retreat last week: The pre-Christian world knew that there was divine power in the cosmos, anyone who has read the Greek and Roman classics knows that those...
Do you have vivid memories of scenes from novels you've read and movies you've watched? Do you ever wish that you could have the same kind of recall for the things you have to memorize for school or for the...
Those who have read C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe will remember well the book's closing sequence -- a battle between the White Witch and Aslan, who, accompanied by scores of animals from all throughout Narnia, eventually defeated her and...
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Happy feast of the Exultation of the Cross! In honor of this feast, we offer you a short reflection from St. Louis de Montfort's "Letter to the Friends of the Cross." Let that man (or woman) so rare "far beyond the...
Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen testified recently before Congress on the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood. She spoke powerfully and with great truth. Watch the video and read the transcript here. After you've read it, please consider sharing the testimony, the image...
Just a brief note to convey a thought I had about today's Gospel reading from Mark, Chapter 7: "When the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus, they observed that some of his disciples ate...
August 28th marks the feast of St. Augustine! In honor of this glorious saint, we would like to share some of our favorite quotes from St. Augustine’s Confessions. This book has made many additional saints. If you haven’t read it...
Few people today know that Mark Twain, one of the greatest American authors in history and hardly a man with healthy respect for organized religion, wrote a book on the great 14th-Century saint, Joan of Arc. Even fewer, I imagine, realize...
Priesthood or Married Life? Consecrated Single Life or Religious Life? Diocesan Priesthood or Religious Priesthood? Religious Life or Married Life? Pick one! Quick! This could be the most difficult and important question you answer in your entire life! Are...
The new school year is quickly approaching and for some it has already begun. With every new academic year there is always great anticipation. Students are eager to see old friends and share their memories of summer, and teachers are...
Every baptized Christian is called to participate in evangelization. As such we must prepare ourselves to go out into the world and share the Good News that Christ is Lord. To be an effective evangelist we must first pray. Nothing...
It's often difficult to picture people from the age before cameras laughing, crying, or generally showing any emotion at all, especially considering that first real photographs of people tended to look like this: President Andrew Jackson smiling. But nevertheless, just like the...
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Of all the saints in the Church's history, why would we choose St. Edmund Campion as our inspiration and model? Just a few words about him now. Edmund Campion was born in 1540 in England and established himself very early...
Food, fat, and comedy are some of the words that Jim Gaffigan identifies with. He has built his humble comedic empire on these three things. Whether it’s bacon, Hot Pockets, or McDonald's, they all have a place in Jim Gaffigan’s...
"God Loves You!" We see it displayed on billboards and on the glowing marquees of churches seeking 24/7 attention. We hear it said in sermons, homilies, and in talks by those with respectable reputations in all matters spiritual. Truly, this...
This post originally appeared at Crisis Magazine. It has been reposted with permission. *** We humans can be a bit fickle sometimes. What we choose to do with our time often depends directly on how the people and places with which...
Engaging your spiritual life can be hard. Routines are difficult to start and usually more difficult to maintain. If you find yourself struggling in your prayer life or looking for something more, the Liturgy of the Hours might be your...
Greetings! What follows in this place will be the expressions, observations, and thoughts, both sacred and profane, of two Catholic gentlemen (and occasional guests, I reckon) who desire to share what feeble gifts of intellect, experience, and education they have...
We've lost, in large part, the ability to witness the uniqueness and wonder of true friendship and have replaced it instead with an odd form of mutual appeasement. Instead of risking discomfort to build up a lasting joy in our friendship, we opt for a quicker, less risky form of reward in the form of the friendly wager.
"If you can love somebody without sex, you can really love somebody." - Russell Wilson
Over the past half century or so, the institution of marriage has fallen on hard times. It's not for lack of trying, though. The wedding industry is big business, taking up public consciousness for what seems to be all summer every summer...
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The two top stories of the past couple weeks -- that of Rachel Dolezal and of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner -- have stirred up a lot of media attention and brought up some interesting questions. But even more, these two unfortunate and...
Even the non-football fan has likely heard rumblings about the NFL fining the New England Patriots and suspending their star quarterback for being big fat cheaters (again) and secretly letting a little air out of footballs to gain a competitive edge...
Rarely has there been a more misunderstood word than chastity. The term that's practically universally thought to be synonymous with "abstinence" has, in reality, and incredibly richer and deeper definition. Abstinence is merely refraining from doing an action -- just a plain...
Several years ago, a friend of mine told me a story about an interaction he had with his father one night after playing in a high school basketball game. In that game, my friend's team was losing badly and he...
Jesus is one Person who bears two natures -- human and divine. What that means is that Jesus, while still fully God, was also fully human in his earthly life, through his bodily ascension into heaven, and even now still (He's...
Pope Francis just started Year Three of his papacy, and commentary has been rife with predictions and analysis of what's still to come, the meaning of his first two years, whether he's been good or bad, and on down the line....
The Diocese of Spokane received its new shepherd, Bishop Thomas Anthony Daly of San José, California, a couple months ago, and honestly it was like an early Christmas present. Not having a bishop for all of Lent and the better...
We're driven by our culture to believe that something far beyond simple, daily tasks are needed to find fulfillment or worth in life. However, if we look in the right places and do those tasks with the right mindset, our lives will become infinitely more valuable than we ever though possible, especially in the eyes of the One who created us and our day-to-day life.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, bishop of San Francisco and all around stand-up guy, has a target on his back thanks to a dispute over revisions to the faculty and staff handbooks at the archdiocese's four Catholic high schools. The revisions mainly include...
There is such a thing as irresponsibility in parenthood, but, as the pope notes, having more children is not necessarily an irresponsible action. The irresponsible thing, therefore, may be not having children.
Not only is there SO much more to Natural Family Planning (NFP) that our doubly ignorant (they don't know that they don't know) society isn't aware of, but that gap in knowledge is unfortunately filled with the mindset that NFP really means "the rhythm method" and that anyone who uses it is doing nothing more than leaving solely up to chance whether or not they get pregnant.
NOTE: This column is hosted by and has been updated from it’s original at Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at — Q. I was reading the canons of the Synod of Laodicea (363 A.D.)...
There are no shortage of opinions on family issues lighting up the Internet on any day, but with the Supreme Court announcing recently the hearing of cases on whether gay "marriage" is constitutional, and in the wake of no press coverage...
When St. John Paul II walked out onto the balcony after being elected pope in 1978, the first words out of his mouth were, "Be not afraid!!"
Those were strong words back then, when many Christians across the world, including in his home nation of Poland, were being severely oppressed under Communist rule. Under those conditions, operating without fear was a tall order, and likely felt impossible for many. However, St. John Paul instilled in people a knowledge that there were greater powers at work, and that "the power of Christ's Cross and Resurrection is greater than any evil which man could or should fear" (Threshold of Hope, 1994).
Cardinal Burke is at it again. Or is he? To quote a friend of mine, "Trying to understand Church issues through mainstream secular media is like trying to understand global economics through a 13-year-old girl's Instagram account." In short, it...
The best day of the year is behind us once more. December 25 has come and gone, the presents are all unwrapped, Christmas Mass is over, and soon the 12 Days of Christmas will be behind us too. As if...
When the average person thinks of a Catholic saint, I'd venture to guess that it's not a fearless, axe-wielding, hammer-breaking, oak-crushing, converter of heathens that comes to mind. And yet, that's exactly the kind of guy St. Boniface was. Born around...
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- Support the work of Mountain Catholic by becoming a patron - "Am I not here, I, who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, the crossing...
NOTE: This column is hosted by and has been updated from it's original at Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at — Q. I attended a retreat at a Benedictine monastery and they allowed non-catholics...
NOTE: This column is hosted by and was originally written by Mountain Catholic's author specifically for Spokane Faith & Values. It has graciously been given permission for reposting at --- Q. What do Catholics believe happened/existed prior to Adam and Eve? A....
“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.” – G.K. Chesterton When it comes...
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It’s easy to look at great saints and be intimidated. Whether it’s the stories of their personal holiness, their martyrdom, or just that their greatness is so revered, we tend to think it’s out of reach. We think that a deeply...
Over the past several years, a fair chunk of people have been asked to resign or been fired from Catholic workplaces for conduct which, in one way or another, violated Church teaching. Nearly all of the incidents involved either unwed...
When September rolls around, I often joke to friends, "Two things happen on Sundays in the fall: Mass and Broncos football." As a lifelong fan of the Orange and Blue, the fall Sunday ritual has been a mainstay for as...
Starting off with a quote: I don’t go to – I tried to go back. When I was out in L.A. and I was kind of struggling for a bit. I went to church for a while, but it’s kind...
If you're a fan of NBC's Parks and Recreation, you know well the unwavering manliness of Ron Swanson. You would also know well his Kryptonite: his ex-wives, "Tammy 1" and "Tammy 2." In an episode from season 2, Ron notes his...