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                                  Materials Theory Group


                                  Hierarchically Structured Allotropes of Phosphorus from Data-Driven Exploration

                                  22 June 2020

                                  helix.png Many complex materials in nature are made up of well-defined structural building blocks. Researchers from the UK and Italy have now used computer algorithms (see previous Highlights here and here ) to disassemble a...

                                  New academic license for CASTEP

                                  6 March 2020

                                  [农民日报]重庆荣昌:非遗文化焕发新活力-今日重庆-华龙网 ...:2021-9-14 · 走进重庆市荣昌区安富街道“通安小栖”民宿,青砖绿瓦掩映于一片橙林,颇有“大隐隐于市”的悠然闲适。盘龙镇政府相关负责人说,镇上3家织染 ...

                                  Dr Chuck Witt joins the MTG

                                  6 March 2020

                                  The Materials Theory Group welcomes its newest research associate, Dr Chuck Witt.

                                  Welcome to Dr Bartomeu Monserrat

                                  10 January 2020

                                  The Materials Theory Group welcomes new faculty member and new group member Bartomeu Monserrat.

                                  CASTEP: From research code to software product with Professor Chris Pickard

                                  9 January 2020

                                  让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地-国际在线 - CRI:2021-5-22 · 5月的一场初雨,让位于珠海高新区的南方软件园更加郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。而5月4日至5日,由中国电子在这里举办的一场主题为“智创、匠心”的“i+”创新创效创意大赛,如同刮起一股头脑风暴的旋风,

                                  College Senior Scholarship for Ben

                                  25 November 2019

                                  PhD student Ben Shires has been awarded a Fitzwilliam College Senior Scholarship.

                                  In-browser cloud-hosted AIRSS examples available

                                  8 August 2019

                                  Materials Theory Group member and PhD student Bonan Zhu has created an interactive online environment for the ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) code. The environment uses binder and allows a user to access and run...