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          This transformative investment will propel UMD and the A. James Clark School of Engineering to the forefront of education and research worldwide by establishing and funding an array of scholarships and fellowships, professorships, and operational and capital projects.

          Thanks to the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, this investment will increase college access and affordability, spark innovations that tackle the daunting problems facing the nation and world, and inspire the next generation of engineering leaders. 



          Providing an affordable college education to promising students was a goal of great personal importance to A. James Clark. 



          The most daunting challenges of our time—from energy and the environment to security and human health—demand brilliant problem-solvers to help people lead better lives. 



          Engineers are in high demand. At the University of Maryland, we are answering the call for our state, the nation, and the world to open new pathways to research and innovation. 


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          A Significant Boost to University-Wide Need-Based Aid
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          Inaugural A. James Clark Scholars Begin this Fall
          Inaugural A. James Clark Scholars Begin this Fall
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          Engineering Scholarships for Undergraduate Transfer Students
          Engineering Scholarships for Undergraduate Transfer Students
          This unprecedented investment will help expand the Clark Opportunity Transfer Scholarship Program. This program will provide need-based scholarships to 40 engineering majors transferring from Maryland community colleges as they work to complete their education.
          Defining the Fields: Clark Distinguished Chairs
          Defining the Fields: Clark Distinguished Chairs
          Clark Distinguished Chairs are renewable faculty positions that directly address engineering’s most critical research areas, such as additive and advanced manufacturing, autonomy and robotics, and energy and sustainability. These eight leaders will open new frontiers, creating a community of collaboration and excellence that gains momentum with each achievement in research and innovation.
          Fostering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Clark Doctoral Fellows
          Fostering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Clark Doctoral Fellows
          The Clark Doctoral Fellows program substantially increases the A. James Clark School of Engineering’s number of graduate fellows, supporting 30 first-year doctoral students each year as an impetus for research in strategic and vital areas. These scholars have the potential to become tomorrow’s leaders and innovators, launching technology companies and spearheading lifesaving advances to improve society.
          Investing in Innovators: Clark Leadership Chairs
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          Research Teams Solving Today’s Biggest Problems
          The 125th Anniversary Fearless Ideas Mpact Challenge is the A. James Clark School of Engineering’s “moonshot” engineering program to spur innovative engineering research solutions. Commemorating the school's 125th Anniversary in 2019, this program provides funding for Clark School teams to develop solutions to engineering problems and innovations in engineering research that have the potential to improve the lives of millions of people.
          Expanded Facilities for World-Class Innovation
          Expanded Facilities for World-Class Innovation
          The expansion of research facilities at UMD will secure the university’s stronghold in engineering innovation by helping recruit and retain world-class faculty and facilitate collaborations among various disciplines and expand business partners. This investment will provide ideal spaces for cross-disciplinary research.


          About A. James Clark

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