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- The National Clean Plant Network-Citrus (NCPN-Citrus) was established in 2010 and is part of the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN), which is concerned with the health of vegetatively propagated specialty crops.
- NCPN-Citrus will ensure the high quality (true-to-type) citrus propagative materials are produced (therapy & diagnostics), maintained (management & retesting of foundation blocks & nursery sources), and distributed throughout the USA under the standards of excellence established by the NCPN governance.
- Citrus is susceptible to many diseases caused by viruses and other graft-transmissible pathogens. These diseases severely limit tree growth and reduce yields. To prevent the spread of these potentially devastating diseases, a source of clean or pathogen-tested budwood for citrus tree propagation is essential.
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Georgios Vidalakis, a professor and UC extension specialist in UCR’s Microbiology and Plant Pathology Department, has been named Presidential Researcher for Sustainable Citrus Clonal Protection. The position will enable Vidalakis, an expert in plant pathology, to continue doing research that improves citrus production and quality in California. Read more.
Look Who's Talking About Citrus!
The latest issue of Citrograph is available in PDF.