Siskiyou County Cooperative Extension Office
University of California
Siskiyou County Cooperative Extension Office

UCCE Siskiyou

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The University of California, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Siskiyou County government provide joint funding for this “cooperative” venture. Additional funding from grants allows us to target programs to the specific needs of Siskiyou County citizens.

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  • Bringing up-to-date research-based information on the agricultural commodities grown here in Siskiyou County to producers through the expertise of local UC professionals.

  • Working with youth to provide them with the knowledge and skills to become responsible, self-directed and productive people.

  • Providing information and outreach to the people of Siskiyou County in general interest areas that include gardening, pest control, and backyard animals.

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火狐(Firefox)浏览器代理怎么设置-太平洋电脑网:2021-2-24 · 火狐(Firefox)浏览器代理怎么设置:1:搜索网上可用的代理服务器,在浏览器中。记下它的IP地址和端口,如下图所示的IP地址是61.161.175.91。