Our societies experience unprecedented challenges to sustain coupled infrastructure systems to produce nutritious food, clean fresh water and reliable clean energy. I want to understand how collective action problems can be addressed in those coupled infrastructure systems while enhancing the robustness to external challenges such as globalization and climate change.
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To address these questions I combine behavioral experiments, agent-based modeling, and case study analyses.
I am also involved with cyber infrastructure development such as CoMSES for the use of agent-based modeling, and the “virtual commons” (commons.asu.edu and vcweb.asu.edu) for the use of behavioral experiments on collective action and the commons.
Graduate and undergraduate students involved with my research participate in the Center for Behavior, Institutions, and the Environment where we study the governance of social-ecological systems.
My students are enrolled in various degree programs at ASU such as Environmental Social Science, Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences, and Sustainability.