
Covered topics: Non-contact beam measurement; a precession bore system with a green laser for electronics fabrication; and laser cutting, welding and optical measurement for e-mobility production.

Discussion topics including cladding with diode lasers, CO2 lasers in the automotive industry, nano-structured anti-reflective surfaces, and software for designing beam-splitting optics were covered in the second installment of the Lasers In Action Webinar series

The first webcast in the Lasers In Action series covered blue diode lasers, automated weld monitoring and thermal laser processing.


The new panel pulls a thin layer of water out of the reservoir directly onto the solar absorber surface for heating and evaporation.

24 July 2020

The surfaces could be used to provide clean drinking water in developing countries

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24 July 2020

When operated at 300W, the bars achieve an efficiency of about 70 per cent in the wavelengths of 1,000 and 1,020nm


Relativity Space aims to 3D print a complete rocket in 60 days. (Image: Relativity Space)

23 July 2020

The partnership is intended to create a closed loop supply chain where certified scrap materials are turned into powder, which can then be reprinted into new parts


The selective laser melting process (Image: SLM Solutions)

23 July 2020

The work aims to reduce the 3D printing time and costs of aircraft components by using larger layer thicknesses

A microfluidic chip made using the new welding process. (Image: Fraunhofer ILT)

23 July 2020

The process could also be used to increase flexibility and efficiency in the industrial production of other medical technologies

22 July 2020

Trumpf’s sales dropped by approximately 8 per cent to €3.5 billion in the 2019/20 fiscal year

56,307 international trade visitors attended EuroBlech in 2018

09 July 2020

A virtual hub for the sheet metal working industry will instead be held in October to facilitate networking and aid recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic


15 June 2020

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11 June 2020

Dr Paulina Morawska, research associate at Heriot-Watt University, discusses how ultrafast lasers can be used to address the encapsulation challenges of OLEDs

09 June 2020

Christian Knaak and Peter Abels, of Fraunhofer ILT, explain how imaging and machine learning can be used to identify weld imperfections with high accuracy

05 June 2020

Dave MacLellan, executive director of AILU, discusses how UK laser firms have answered the call for manufacturing to aid the fight against Covid-19

12 March 2020

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06 March 2020

John Sutter, of Abicor Binzel, discusses how Generation 3 steels perfectly fit the needs of vehicle manufacturers


24 April 2020

Nikolaus Fecht on how AI is helping move laser systems closer to achieving complete error-free production

16 March 2020

Keely Portway looks at regular maintenance practices that can help laser users ensure maximum uptime of their system

Trumpf enables copper additive manufacturing by combining its TruDisk 1020 with its TruPrint systems.

13 March 2020

Optically-driven additive manufacturing is entering uncharted territory with challenging reflective, thermally conductive metals such as copper, finds Andy Extance


Scanlab’s XL Scan synchronously controls a 2D scan head and a positioning stage. It can also process 3D workpieces with integrated Z-axis control.

12 March 2020

Greg Blackman on the latest scanning solutions and software for micromachining

Application focus


Ben Fielding, of Weldwide, explores the benefits of laser welding and how the technology compares to other well-established joining methods

Florent Husson, of Alphanov, describes how large parts can be polished using robotics and high-power lasers


Lasers can be used to create durable black marks on stainless steel. (Image: Coherent)

Andrew May, director of ES Precision, shares five tips to get the best laser marking results

John Powell, technical director of Laser Expertise, on some of the key aspects to consider when buying a new cutting machine for a job shop


Proper extraction system maintenance and design is vital, says BOFA International’s Joshua Evans, to reduce fire and explosion risks associated with laser metal processing

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