These Huskies — students, staff, professors, doctors, nurses, and graduates new and old —are finding innovative ways to help us all navigate a global pandemic.
Professor of public policy Thomas Craemer realized that the typical calculations concerning slavery reparations in this country simply did not add up. So he did some new math.
老王佛系版本Dancing on a Sunday? Don’t Do That!
Mike Chase ’11 JD, author of the wildly popular @CrimeADay Twitter account, treats UConn Nation to exclusive diabolical drawings and criminally funny ruminatings.
Each semester Stephen Stifano asks his COMM 1000 students to encapsulate their UConn experience in a photo worth, well, you know.
ReadJust Listen
When we started working on this issue, magazine production was business as usual, and the world felt somewhat normal. Of course, it wasn’t.
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Farmers and gardeners bring, mail, and post samples of their sick plants to Beissinger who often drills down to a cellular level to make a diagnosis.
ReadOct. 15, 1969, Student Protest Against the Vietnam War
视频编辑王 ApowerEdit v1.5.7.14 萝卜定制版-胡萝卜周博客:2021-2-19 · 2、拥有海量文字、滤镜、叠附、转场和动画模板特效 很多小白用户可能不知道怎么创作动画或叠附特效,无需担心,你只需要直接将模板应用到视频上就行了。ApowerEdit内置了总共近300种的文字、滤镜、叠附、转场和动画模板特效,这些模板都是由专业的设计师精心创作的。
Green, berry, peanut butter? Home recipes for these whole-food smoothies that will be served at the Student Rec Center.
ReadSi Se Puede
This extraordinary class of seniors (and near-seniors) had already weathered a number of major storms before the pandemic hit.
ReadThe Art of Flotsam and Jetsam
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ReadOn the March
Senior staff editor for The New York Times opinion section Alexandra March ’10 (CLAS) penned her first opinion piece for the paper about being pregnant in a pandemic.
Staying well means staying on the move — even when you’re stuck at home, says exercise guru Emily Abbate ’10 (CLAS).
老王v2.2.8Local Hero
Louis Goffinet ’17 (CLAS) offered in a Facebook post to shop for elderly neighbors. Two months later he was still shopping, and overseeing a $30,000 Neighbors Grocery Fund.
ReadIn Fashion
Ahmed Diakhate ’23 (BUS) created and donated 250 face masks to frontline health care workers.
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ReadBaptism by Fire
“I’m not just learning how to be a good nurse, but how to be a good nurse in the middle of a pandemic,” says Mia Hrabcsak ’19 (NUR).