20 Dudes Who Have Their Simp Cards
登录 | VPM:银座旅游集采管理系统 eFuture ONE VPM -
15 Movie Details Spotted by Attentive Viewers
Sometimes they are hidden so deeply that spectators manage to find them only years after the release of a movie. -
The best part is the owners are accepting cash only. -
50 Memes Made For Monday
Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh batch of funny pics and memes. -
Dude Describes the Dumbest Intern He's Ever Met
Good help really is hard to find! -
Entitled People Who Need a Wake up Call
People who think they just deserve more any the rest of us, without having to do anything to get it. These beggars wish they could be choosers, but life doesn't always work out that way. -
34 Celebrities Being Too Horny for Their Own Good
Social media brings out the strange in everyone. -
Let's all take a moment to be grateful for memes. Life without them just wouldn't be the same. Here's a little dump to celebrate the gift that is... -
Entitled Influencer Demands Free Food at Restaurant
The world is filled with entitled people who think they are owed whatever it is they want. -
26 Funny Posts From This Week On Twitter
These go down like a warm glass of milk. -
Curb Your Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen has been called out by her staff for creating an abusive work environment and its coming back to bit her in the a**. -
15 Crazy Secrets Overheard by Uber Drivers
You never know who your next fare is going to be. -
Pour yourself an ice cold glass of meme. -
30 Funny Memes To Satisfy Your Comedy Cravings
It's August 2020 or as we like to call it: March 152nd. Celebrate the new month with some top quality memes collected from all around the web.... -
This is how all those corny YouTube DIYers think they look. -
Florida Man Rides 9 Miles Down the Highway on the Front of a Semi Truck (Full Version)
上海师范大学VPN接入系统:2021-8-29 · 关于 VPN 升级的说明 学校 VPN 设备已升级,新的VPN将为所有在校师生提供服务,现就设备升级所涉及的几项说明通告用户: 1.使用 Web 认证登录(使用浏览器认证登录),登录成功之后使用客户端( Network )方式访问的用户,升级后客户端首次 ... -
George Bush Jokes About Looking For WMD's in 2004
It's hilarious when you think about. America starting a war with a sovereign nation based on a lie, with the sole purpose of distracting Americans from the truth and disrupting an already unstable region. Hilarious. -
上海师范大学VPN接入系统:2021-8-29 · 关于 VPN 升级的说明 学校 VPN 设备已升级,新的VPN将为所有在校师生提供服务,现就设备升级所涉及的几项说明通告用户: 1.使用 Web 认证登录(使用浏览器认证登录),登录成功之后使用客户端( Network )方式访问的用户,升级后客户端首次 ...
He makes masking tape look like a little punk. -
Memes made by the youngins -
Blank canvases for meme artists and makers alike.
Photoshop Contest
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Congrats! Avis4SaleUploaded 07/03/2020
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This should be easy. Just play the National Anthem and they'll all kneel down.See What The Comment Is About
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