Another day without sewing … good thing I’ve already gotten everything on my list done but I’m still thinking I’ll get a Quick Strippie pieced at some point this week and I might make some more masks too.
I did laundry and chores today … all my guest beds are made up and ready for the next overnight visitors which might not be until we come back in September. We’ll probably see Chris and Becky before we leave but I don’t know if they’ll stay overnight.
We had terrible storms this afternoon … one reason I didn’t sew … but managed to get out for another 3 mile hike after it cleared. Deer, bear, snakes … we never know what we’ll see on our hikes. Today it was a turtle.

And Keith had a herd of deer come up to his window today while he was working. I can’t believe how close they get to the house. We’ve seen the mama and babies in the back several times in the last couple weeks too. We never saw deer at the condo although we would see them when we were driving or hiking … we’re very close to the lake here so I’m assuming our yard is just in the path they take to and from it.