NES School Supply List
Students will take their pencil boxes with their daily supplies home each night
to ensure they will have the necessary supplies at home.
Students will not share supplies at school.
1-Standard size book bag (no wheels)
1-Weather appropriate change of clothes to
remain at school (place in plastic bag)
1-Pencil box
4-Black expo markers-Minimum of (dry erase)
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12-Glue sticks
1-Pair of headphones (no ear buds)
Label all items with first and last name or initials.
1-Pencil Pouch (no boxes)
3-Wide-Ruled spiral bound notebooks(100 sheets)
1-Pair of children’s scissors
10-Regular glue sticks
1-Packs of 4 black fine point expo markers
2-Packs of #2 pencils (no decorative)
2-Pink Pearl erasers
1-Pair of ear buds or headphones in labeled Ziploc bag
1-Pack of 10 markers
1-Reusable water bottle(send daily)
Label all items with first and last name or initials.
3-Composition notebooks
1-Plastic pencil box (no pouches)
1-Pair of scissors
1-Pack of 24 crayons
24-#2 pencils
1-Pack of dry erase markers
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12-Regular size glue sticks
1-Pair of ear buds or headphones
Label all items with first and last name or initials.
4-Glue sticks
1-Packs of 3x5 index cards
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2-Packs of #2 pencils (NOT decorative or plastic)
2-Packs Pencil Top Erasers
4-Dry erase markers
1-Pack of colored pencils
3-Pocket folders
3-Composition notebooks (not spiral bound)
1-Pencil box
1-Pair of scissors
Pair of ear buds(bagged or cased with and extra pair if possible)
Label all items with first and last name or initials.
1-Pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
4-12 packs #2 Pencils (NOT decorative)
1-Pack of eraser caps
1-Pack of crayons or colored pencils
12-Glue sticks
1-Pair of student scissors
1-Large pouch or pencil box
8- Fine point dry erase markers
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Label all items with first and last name or initials.
5-Hole punched 2-pocket plastic folders
24- #2 pencils
2-Pack of highlighters
1-Zippered pencil pouch
3-Packs of index cards
1-Pack of glue sticks
1-Pair of scissors
1-Pack of dry erase markers
1-Five subject notebook
1-One subject notebook
2-Packs of notebook paper
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Label all items with first and last name or initials.
We recognize that many of you may have questions regarding the upcoming school year. If you have questions, please submit them through the form linked below. Additional instructions are on the form. Feel free to share with other NES families.
If you have questions regarding Middle/High school, please direct your questions to your child's specific school. This form is for Newport Elementary specific questions. Thank you!
Click here to submit questions:
Newport Elementary Parent/Guardian Questions

Online application is available. 513优化下载

The NES Title I Parent Involvement Policy is available to read on our website. If your child is served by a Reading Specialist teacher, you are invited to email her with questions about the policy, the intervention programs we use, resources for home, and your child’s reading interventions and progress for the 2019/2020 year.
Carteret County Public Schools is continuing to provide 1 to 1 technology to our students. Each student has a technology fee of $15 which covers use and repairs to devices. This fee was not added to the grade level supply lists, but is applicable to ALL students in grades Kindergarten through 5th.
If you have not paid your child's technology fee yet,
please do so as soon as possible.
Carteret County Schools provides parents with information showing the current location of their child's' bus. This is done securely through the "Here Comes the Bus" app and website. More information can be found below:
Here Comes the Bus Information
Here Comes the Bus Information (en español)