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In addition to the wealth of material available at an incredibly reasonable price, more than one million pages are added each month. The value of a subscription increases greatly with each monthly content release.

HeinOnline is composed of image-based PDFs, which are as authoritative as print material for citation purposes, because they are exact facsimiles of the original print materials.

HeinOnline contains more than 2,800 journals on a variety of subjects, including animal rights, human rights, political science, history, gender studies, election law, civil rights, foreign relations, and more. All journals date back to inception and more than 90% are available through the current issue or volume.

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Coverage of United States government publications (including Congressional Documents, Presidential Papers, Foreign Relations of the United States, and Federal Agency Documents) is comprehensive back to inception, and all titles are exact replicas of the official print publication from the Government Printing Office.

HeinOnline’s powerful search engine and user-friendly interface combine to provide both new and experienced users with an excellent research experience. Locating documents is quick, and searching includes facets to guarantee relevant search results.

HeinOnline is indexed in many discovery services such as EBSCO EDS, Innovative’s Encore Duet, and Innovative’s Encore Discovery Solution (without EDS), so integrating HeinOnline into your library is an effortless process. HeinOnline has also indexed all journals into Google Scholar.

HeinOnline’s interface is optimized for mobile devices, and we offer free apps for both Android and iOS platforms.

The support team at HeinOnline is second to none, providing users with searching and document retrieval assistance, customized web-based training, and exemplary customer service. The staff behind HeinOnline is extremely receptive to feedback. Feel free to contact us via email, phone, live chat, or social media. Some of our best features and tools have come from user suggestions!

HeinOnline’s help pages provide a wealth of resources, including training guides, FAQs, and videos to help users get the most from their subscriptions. Free, customizable training sessions are available from HeinOnline experts.
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Rebekah Maxwell | Associate Director of Library Operations | University of South Carolina | October 2019

With more than 186 million pages and 287,000 titles, it’s like an entire print library in one database. No more having to worry about finding the print title in the library or having it checked out. That’s no longer an issue when it’s in HeinOnline.
HeinOnline’s content releases include hundreds of journal updates each month. Missing an issue? We’ll find it for you. HeinOnline contains more than 2,800 periodicals back to inception. If an issue is missing, that’s on us.
Use HeinOnline to find the title you are looking for. Missing a title? No more having to contact other libraries; you’ll save time and energy simply using HeinOnline’s search box to locate what you need.
HeinOnline will be your one-stop shop, with everything from law to history, politics, and government documents all under one umbrella, instead of multiple subject-specific databases. HeinOnline also includes primary sources such as case law and secondary sources such as law review articles, eliminating the need for multiple sources.
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