2 - 3 November 2020
Virtual Event
5G Core Summit
布谷加速器 iphone
布谷加速器 iphone

布谷加速器 iphone
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布谷加速器 iphone
布谷加速器 iphone
5G Use Cases & Ecosystem Development
5G Use Cases & Ecosystem Development
Building a Services Friendly Core Network Architecture
Building a Services Friendly Core Network Architecture
Network Cloudification
Network Cloudification
Edge Clouds & Network Slicing
Standard Progress and Timelines
Standard Progress and Timelines
布谷加速器 iphone
The 5G Core Summit is a new Informa Tech conference which launched in September 2019 in Madrid. This inaugural event explored the evolution of 5G networks to support next-generation services across the globe, with the operator, vendor and enterprise ecosystem thrust firmly to the forefront. One of the core focuses of the agenda was the development of this next-generation technology.

布谷加速器 iphone
Have you sensed the spike in operator demand for 5G core? Ovum's new report - 5G to Drive Core Network Architecture Shift - estimates that by 2023 there will be 1.31 billion subscribers to the next-generation 5G network. This means an increase in network and service delivery requirements, which are driving fundamental change to the core network architecture. Here you will learn about the commercial opportunities that IoT and 5G represent to operators in terms of monetisation.