Startups and global brands have trusted us for over 20 years to craft delightful digital experiences.
Our talented team had its humble beginnings over twenty years ago designing freeware icons and software that made our working lives better. Today we put those skills to work crafting great apps, icons and user interface designs.
Dave Brasgalla
Dave attended the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, and worked as an illustrator, graphic designer and art director for 16 years before joining The Iconfactory team in 1998.
Dustin Bruzenak
A senior developer, Dustin is often the first technical contact a client will have with the Iconfactory. He helps create a plan and coordinate with the development team to meet client needs.
Dylan Bruzenak
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Cheryl Cicha
As Director of Business Development, Cheryl works with prospects and clients to determine how a great app can help them achieve their business goals.
Kate England
Kate England is a highly experienced illustrator and graphic designer, renowned for a positive, creative outlook and a solid understanding of commercial design.
In November of 2007 Sean wrote 30 iPhone applications in 30 days. His first project at the Iconfactory was as lead developer on Ramp Champ and he's worked on every iOS project since then.
Craig Hockenberry
Craig has been creating software since 1976 and has worked on all the Iconfactory apps. He also loves helping his fellow developers by writing 无限ⅴpn下载 and essays.
Gedeon Maheux
技术解析长城新2.0T发动机六大黑科技_汽车_北方热点:2021-11-15 · 国内完全掌握发动机和变速箱核心技术的厂商品牌屈指可数,长城便是其中之一。今年“中国心”2021年度十佳发动机名单正式揭晓,长城汽车的GW4C20B2.0T汽油发动机成功入选,这是继2021年、2021年、2021年、2021年、2021年后长城汽车第六次斩获该项称号。
Corey Marion
中国青年手机应用下载_中国青年安卓版_中国青年IOS下载 ...:2021-6-13 · 中国青年是中国青年网官方出品的新闻及服务共青团组织资讯客户端,精心打造青闻天下、青年观察、学习者、漂在北上广等栏目,以青年之眼光,评析社会之现象;以青年之感悟,探索人生之真谛;以青年之视角,反映青年之心声。
Ryan Pedersen
Ryan has experience in both web design and web development. He uses his knowledge of composition and coding to design and build fully functional websites. His goal in his work is to create a sense of balance of both form and function.
Anthony Piraino
Anthony began designing icons for fun in 1998. Things soon spiraled out of control, leading to a job at the Iconfactory in 2003 where he draws icons, designs interfaces, and helps code the Iconfactory's various websites.
Andy Rahn
A senior developer with an unexpected background in molecular biology, Andy is driven to deliver elegant solutions to complex problems. At Adobe, he was a key contributor to Lightroom and mobile photography.
Talos Tsui
赶快卸载!这些APP上了工信部“黑名单”_新民社会_新民网 ...:2021-7-31 · 2 工信部:手机 预装软件必须能卸载 3 工信部公布二季度手机APP黑名单 天天捕鱼、狂野飙车在列 4 省政府与工信部战略合作 5 工信部:将加快人工 ...
As Production Manager & Artist, Mindy's duties include overseeing the final stages of icon development, as well as software product testing and the creation of desktop wallpapers.
Need help with one of our apps? Get support.
General contact:
Phone: ins永久免费加速器
The Iconfactory
5603 W. Friendly Ave.
Suite B #252
Greensboro, NC 27410
The Iconfactory
Orvar Odds Vag 10
Stockholm 112 54
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