My beloved son, my baby, my youngest, my heart and my soul and the most compassionate son a mother could ever ask for. Eric. I love you son I miss you so very much every single day and whoever said it gets easier with the passing of time was so very wrong. Your legacy lives on in our Care Package Project, and I promise you that as long as I am breathing on this earth, I will see to it that you will never be forgotten. You are my hero, my pride and my joy.
RIP Marine, your work on earth is done.
Love always and forever, Mom.


Over 5,000 care packages have been shipped to our Troops since May 2006. Monetary donations are always welcome to offset shipping costs. There are donation cans for shipping costs at many retailers throughout Iron Mountain and Kingsford, MI as well as Florence, WI. A standard flat rate box is now $19.60. We usually ship 4-5 boxes per week. Donations of time and labor are also welcome to help package up these items – please contact Bobbie Samme’ at: bobbie@palmisanocarepackageproject.org to schedule a date and time to help package up these items for our Troops.
The LCpl. Eric A. Palmisano Care Package Project is
a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Charitable Corporation
Donations over $250 are tax deductible!
a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Charitable Corporation
Donations over $250 are tax deductible!