More often than not the simplest answer is the correct one. That’s the concept behind Occam’s Razor. That’s why GOP claims of voter fraud don’t hold water.
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Who is economist James Buchanan, and what was his role in helping establish the network of right-wing think tanks and political groups?
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手机上这么好用的功能 你用过吗? - · 十几年前,还是功能机的时代,相信很多人都会觉得用手机拍照、听歌以及上网都是很新奇的事情。然而,现在的手机拥有了越来越多新奇有趣的 ...
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Two huge political piggy banks are trying to build a Tea Party 2.0 to restart the economy. If they’re successful, a lot of people will die for no reason.
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The big local political news is John DeBerry got booted off the ballot. This was avoidable. Its also shows why politicians should be better at politics.
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《我的世界》大电影最新进展:传国民老公王思聪欲抢 ...:2021-11-24 · 超级游戏巨作《我的世界》(Minecraft)连日“喜事”不断,刚定男主就迎金主:外媒报道《冒牌天神》、《办公室疯云》的美国喜剧巨星史蒂夫·加瑞尔确定加盟,或担任男主角,国内媒体更传出万达“太子”、国民老公王思聪有意抢下中国版权。