• ssr平台

    We exist for students that innovate. Whether you have some ideas, a new venture, or a business you want to grow, we can provide you with the people, resources, and support you need to make your startup a success. Let us find your network while you focus on your startup.

    Entrepreneurship image


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    Founders is where you meet people. We understand entrepreneurship is about the relationships you make, and we're the connectors between student founders and the people they need. Whether you partner with us or join the team, you'll meet the drivers of innovation in UIUC, Chicago, and the rest of the country!




    54 is a 3-day event where students from different backgrounds come together to form teams and launch a successful startup. No experience required. Just bring yourself, some friends and good ideas.


    Forge is a 2-day conference to bring together the entrepreneurship communities across the Midwest. Over a weekend in Chicago, you'll meet other student entrepreneurs from all of the top schools in the region.

    Startup Bootcamp logo

    Startup Bootcamp is an 8-week workshop series designed to lay the groundwork for student entrepreneurial succeess. Lectures will be delivered by leading university faculty and successful members of the entrepreneurship community alongside supplemental office hours and assignments.


    To keep up with us, like us on Facebook and join our mailing list below!