
We are committed to work towards quality education, government transparency and accountability, reducing government spending, advocating for smaller government, and increasing free markets. Here you can find our top issues on each of these matters and learn how we can make Kentucky a leader state. 
Every Kentucky child must have a quality education.
Openness results in government that’s more responsive to its citizens.
Senseless, over-reaching bureaucracy is incompatible with individual liberty.
Like Kentucky families, government must live within its means.





The Bluegrass Institute supports strong public charter schools as well as scholarship tax credits and education savings accounts that open the door to private schools for more Kentucky students.

Pension Reform

The Bluegrass Institute advocates for a new paradigm that provides a defined benefit for new teachers but also protects taxpayers against future unfunded liabilities with a defined contribution element.


The Bluegrass Institute champions the need for government at every level to be accessible and accountable to taxpayers. Transparent government is smaller, less-costly and more responsive to its constituents.
Follow our blog and engage on the important challenges facing Kentucky. Be part of the community by joining the discussion!
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The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions works with Kentuckians, pro-liberty coalitions, grassroots organizations and business owners to advance freedom and prosperity by promoting free-market capitalism, individual liberty and transparent government.