Filter empowers enterprise companies and emerging brands to develop and deliver world-class people-based marketing and customer experiences. As an in-house solutions partner, we embed our proven expertise right inside the client’s organization, building and managing onsite agencies and embedded teams that can quickly flex and scale as needs change. By integrating with our client’s own people and practices, Filter gives them greater command of their customer experience to drive growth and innovation with greater speed, impact, and agility. Read how we help leading brands shape experiences that shape our world, or look below learn more about our areas of expertise.
Latest News
Safeguarding your business
through uncertainty
Information to help lead your organization from response to recovery
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Experience Design
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- XD Ops Planning & Consulting
- User Research, Analysis & Insights
- Enterprise-User XD Services
- Consumer-User XD Services
Digital Marketing
Scale quickly with a creative studio or in-house agency, augment your team with channel and analytics expertise – or even outsource your full campaign management.
- Market Ops Planning & Consulting
- Content Development and Production
- Channel Management & Execution
- Campaign Management & Execution
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We provided end-to-end UX expertise, from foundational research to design systems and strategy, experience and product prototyping, front-end development and more.
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- User Research, Analysis & Insights
- Enterprise-User XD Services
- Consumer-User XD Services
Digital Marketing
Scale quickly with a creative studio or in-house agency, augment your team with channel and analytics expertise – or even outsource your full campaign management.
- Market Ops Planning & Consulting
- Content Development and Production
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- Campaign Management & Execution
For marketing and CX leaders working hard to recalibrate and build a strong future for their businesses, in-house solutions can maximize control and agility against an unpredictable future – even when that “house” is virtual. Discover the range of marketing and XD solutions our embedded teams – on-site or virtual – can deliver in our new E-Book.
Featured Projects
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We can help
Filter creates innovative solutions to solve digital marketing and design challenges for global enterprise companies and aspire brands alike. We love to hear from organizations driving innovation and transformation in their industries and who seek like-minded partners to accelerate their ambitions. If that’s you, we invite you to take the first step and contact us today.