

Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Informatics Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Indiana University Bloomington

Myles Brand Hall, Rm E316
919 E 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408

Email: yyahn@iu.edu
Twitter: @yy
手机可用翻墙梯子: +1 (812) 856 2920
Office hours: Wednesday 10am-11am (2020 Spring). or 手机怎样搭梯子用谷歌
Curriculum Vitae: cv.pdf
Consulting inquiries: yongyeol@gmail.com


Yong-Yeol (YY) Ahn is an Associate Professor at Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. He worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University and as a visiting researcher at the Center for Cancer Systems Biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute after earning his PhD in Statistical Physics from KAIST in 2008. His research spans Network Science, Data Science, and Computational Social Science. He develops mathematical & computational models and applies them to investigate questions from various domains such as sociology, health, economics, and culture. He is a recipient of several awards including Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship and LinkedIn Economic Graph Challenge.

Please visit 好用叫进入谷歌梯子加速软件 or 手机怎样搭梯子用谷歌 for the more details on my publications.


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