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CUED Division A

Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery

Studying at Cambridge


This is the homepage for the Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery Division.

This Division includes research into acoustics, aerodynamics, combustion, energy use and generation, fluid mechanics and turbomachinery. The Head of Division is Professor Nick Collings. The research spans from fundamental investigations of turbulent flows, to a wide range of applications including aircraft, internal combustion engines and environmental fluid dynamics. Much of the research is aimed towards reducing pollutants and noise, and is characterised by the closest integration between experiment and modelling. Further details are given under the three main research groups listed on the left.

The Division has collaborations with a variety of different industries. In particular, the University Gas Turbine Partnership (UGTP), a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and Rolls-Royce plc, involves over 20 academic staff in the Division. Its remit is to provide an integrated approach to the fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of gas turbines, compression and other systems critical to Rolls-Royce by linking research in the areas of turbomachinery, aerodynamics, noise and vibration, combustion, heat transfer and advanced cycles.


29th May 2019
Each student submits two copies of Final report plus an extra copy of their technical abstract, plus their log book or electronic equivalent to Group Centres by 4pm.


« August 2020 »