Innovative design methods and trusted technologies—
implemented by an expert team.
Innovative design methods and trusted technologies—
implemented by an expert team.
We work with organizations whose online channels are critical to their success.
Design, strategy, email and online advertising, and technology for one of the top museum shops.
Independent platform for collecting, synthesizing and sharing mobility initiatives to keeping the world moving during the global pandemic.
A new playbook for better outcomes for hundreds of thousands of young people facing probation.
Urbanism Next studies impacts of emerging technologies—autonomous vehicles, e-commerce and the sharing economy—on our cities.
Online IEP compliance system designed specifically to streamline the path to tracking and improving student outcomes.
MacArthur Award winning CRN has been the leading voice for affordable housing in Chicago and Illinois since 1977.
Enabling efficient exchange of experience as cities face the effects of globalization, urbanization, and climate change.
科技大事件:苹果iOS 9.3再现Bug 系统链接全部失效_科技 ...:苹果iOS 9.3再现Bug 系统链接全部失效 苹果在其春季发布会之后便推出了iOS 9.3正式版,不过这个版本的推出并没有想象中那么顺利。iOS 9.3在推出不久 ...
Facilitating online collaboration among policy makers, industry leaders, and researchers on ocean and coastal acidification.
A collection of benefits and real-world case studies from companies making positive transit-based decisions.
新蓝网 - 浙江广播电视集团新媒体 - 浙江第一视频门户:2 天前 · 浙江广播电视集团新媒体,整合浙江卫视在内的18个广播电视频道的优势资源, 打造“浙江第一视频门户”,为网民提供互联网、通信网、电视网三网融合、无缝衔接的新媒体优质服务。
A guide for leaders to better understand and proactively address their area's drinking water needs.
Crafting a fresh presence based on community input and real-world use cases.
Presenting new research on housing strategies and solutions in the Chicago area.
Making donation forms more persuasive based on insights from usability testing and analytics.
Policymakers and researchers can compare 40 years of county and state incarceration trends.
A showcase of ideas for revitalizing areas along the Chicago River
索尼将关闭亚洲虚拟游戏社区PS Home_科技大事件_百度新闻 ...:TheNextWeb丨索尼关闭亚洲PlayStation Home虚拟世界平台 索尼第二款生活版虚拟世界平台PlayStation,将2021年3月在亚洲关闭。公司并没声明关闭此项服务的 ...
Connecting educators and learners to advance liberal arts education globally.
Photo: Haakon Hop
Multi-country research results, events, goals, and collaboration opportunities.
A drug-ordering design—based on extensive user research—makes the process easier and pharmacists happier.
Learning from others speeds the pace of innovation in this group of North American environmental professionals.
土耳其政变未遂 “肃清”行动开始:2021-7-17 · 土耳其军方当地时间16日中午时分宣布正式挫败政变企图。这次持续不到24小时的未遂政变已经造成超过200名军人、警察和平民死亡,1000多人受伤。
Tracking change in the US juvenile justice system landscape with detailed analyses of each state’s policies.
Reaching consensus on communication strategies through a cooperative process. The website publishing system supports editorial review and approval.
约不约?盘点2021年十大千娇百媚游戏美女 - huanqiu.com:2021-1-8 · 就在不久前,Youtube上突然放出了一段关于卡普空新作《街头霸王V》,也就是街霸5的宣传影像。但情报已经得到证实,而最令人感到意外的或许就是《街头霸王V》将会是PS4和PC独占。
—Christian Henrichson, Research Director, Sentencing and Corrections, Vera Institute of Justice
Working together for 2+ years
Good design is about solving problems. For many years, we have used and created innovative ways to ensure that a website, application, or process performs well for its intended purpose.
One-on-one interviews—using open-ended questions and conducted by experienced design researchers—reveal audience needs that will help separate your product or service from the pack or innovate in a new market.
Watching how people do their jobs is very revealing. For instance, gaps in call center software can be discovered by examining the sticky notes that workers attach to their cubicle walls to help them do their work. Observing can also suggest ways to improve knowledge sharing, workflow, and even marketing messaging.
It’s important that the “right hand know what the left hand is doing.” That’s why we involve “C-level” decision-makers right from the start. Ongoing communication helps create designs that support business goals and organizational culture and get buy-in from leadership.
工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2 天前 · 【环球网综合报道 记者 赵衍龙】在国务院新闻办今日(7月25日)举行的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人、总工程师张峰以及信息通信发展司司长闻库在回应VPN管理相关问题时表示,今年的1月份,工信部出台了《关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知》,《通知》主要是为了更好地规范 ...
These days, effective communication across multiple channels—website, search engine, targeted email, social media, and online advertising—must be creative, nuanced, and consistent. Our many years of experience in a variety of situations can help you figure this out.
Success means providing audiences with easy-to-use, intuitive experiences no matter what screen size or device they use. To ensure this, we conduct extensive testing using a wide variety of devices, screen sizes, and an extensive library of device simulators.
A card sort is an exercise conducted with small groups of typical website users in order to learn where they expect to find particular types of content. This knowledge helps us develop an intuitive information architecture and supporting design.
A smart organization creates content within a strategy that will advance its business goals. Strategies are very different for selling consumer products, sharing knowledge, or running a political campaign. We will help you create a strong content strategy and will build the supporting publishing tools.
Webitects knows how to take a client’s idea and make it even better. . . They take the time to help their clients clarify their goals. They deliver products that are beautifully designed as well as intuitive to use and maintain. Plus: they are really fun to work with!
重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责令停止联网并警告-国际在线 - CRI:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且未实际危害计算机系统安全的,处以警告。
Working together for 18+ years
A suite of flexible platforms underlies technology that is tailored for each project, when an off-the-shelf approach won’t do.
A secure, customizable, web application designed so networks of people who are working on similar problems can easily share their experiences, documents, ideas, and events.
Manage membership applications and directories, including automated renewals. Handle event registrations and attendee lists. Flexible table assignments with attendee input. Abstract submissions with reviews and grading. Integrated payment processing.
Interactive visualizations, including business dashboards—crafted with industry-leading frameworks—bring out the stories hidden in the data.
Audiences can be segmented by purchase amount, category, time, promotional code and type, responses to Adwords campaigns, geography, and any combination of the above. Choose a template, crop images, write copy, and send. Lists can be randomized for testing.
Staffs are very productive with our intuitive content management system. It’s extensible, flexible, and has editorial workflow with permissions.
Desktop and mobile platforms with measurable, intuitive, checkout workflows. PCI-compliant.
They methodically approach each project with enthusiasm and efficiency. Every resolution is fact based and incorporates the client’s needs, and in our case, customer buying behaviors. They are talented individuals with a firm pulse on the industry.
—Sarah Raettig, Director of Website Operations, The Art Institute of Chicago
Working together for 15+ years
Our team of experts work closely together to get the best results possible.
Paul Baker
Bill Gatewood
Sandra Botello
UX Tester
Paul Morgan III
Software Engineer
Design Director
Kobe Snyder
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Integration Architect
Michael Tan Liao
Software Engineer
Senior Developer
Working with Webitects to design our website from scratch was a valuable and fun experience. We arrived with a vision, and after careful research, helpful storyboards, and a well-planned roll-out, we watched that vision become a reality. I can’t imagine working with a better team.
—Sara Bowden, Executive Team Leader, IARPC Collaborations,
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Working together for 3+ years
Ask a question or tell us about your project.