The National Day in Singapore is celebrated every year on the 9th of August more
CalendarLabs is the one stop destination for all the needs of calendars. We provide different kind of printable yearly and monthly calendar for any year between 1800 and 3000. Here you can easily find and customize calendars. Calendars with holidays are also available in different format for more than thirty countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States. You can create a photo calendar by using your own photo or with a photo available here. We also provide many calendar content widget for blogs and websites which includes holiday calendar widget and quotes widget. Some people call calendar as calender or calenders. In languages other than English calendar is called as calendrier, kalendaryo, Kalender, calendario or calendário. Whatever you call it, we have all this for you. We keep on adding numbers of Calendar templates with 2020 holidays. We provide 2020 calendar with holidays of more than thirty countries which can help you in your travel plan. Brief descriptions of many holidays are provided here so that it will help us to know the history and culture of different countries. We also provide 2020 astrology calendar to fulfil your astrological needs. We also provide Family Calendar and many regional calendars which included telugu, tamil and oriya. If you are looking for 2020 templates, you may visit here 2020 calendar templates page. We understand you may have different needs which are not available in this site. Please help us by sending your precious feedback; we will try to include the facility as soon as possible. Currently we don't provide any services for sharing calendars for events, event planning or maintaining schedules. You may use Google Calendar or Yahoo Calendar for this purpose.