Ever wonder why there are so few sheep’s milk cheeses in the U.S.? This episode dives deep into the history of sheep farming in America and how the lack of advanced dairy sheep genetics has forced many American sheep’s milk cheesemakers to think artisanal. We’re joined by cheesemakers David & Yesenia Major from Vermont Shepherd, one of the oldest sheep dairies in the country.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and Switzerland’s extreme mountains created one of the most well-known styles of cheese. Whether you call it Swiss or Alpine, there’s more to these cheeses than you think. Join us and Caroline Hostettler on the quest for REAL mountain cheese, as we learn about transhumance and how the Swiss have found ingenious ways to thrive by making really good cheese.
One type of rennet makes over 80% of cheese worldwide—and you may have never heard of it. We’ll cover the 10,000 year history of rennet in under 25mins; from animal to mold to true vegetable rennet and the invention of Fermentation-Produced Chymosin (FPC).
Whether it’s cow, goat, sheep, or buffalo’s milk, the chemical composition of cheese’s primary ingredient varies widely, and that affects the end flavor and texture of your cheese. Join us on a Milk Chemistry 101 adventure with Food Scientist Pat Polowsky and Cheesemaker Rebecca King as we explore the diverse and ever-fluctuating landscape of milk.
Cheese made with raw milk has long been misunderstood; we’ll bring some serious science to what is often an ugly yelling match. We’ll learn the history of raw milk cheese and how the FDA regulates it. Lastly, we’ll talk terroir in farmstead, raw milk cheese with Cheesemaker Andy Hatch from Uplands Cheese!
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Cheese is confusing! We start our series with an introductory episode to get us all on the same page about common ways we categorize cheese from a scientific approach to a pragmatic approach; Cheesemaker Mateo Kehler and author Liz Thorpe give us their perspectives.