

                  Shadowsock代理设置 - 简书:2021-3-5 · Shadowsock代理设置 公司内部网络通过shadowsock中转上网,仅限(http协议) 中转端:windows-10、shadowsockR-4.7.0 客户端:centos-6.9 中转端设置: shadowsock:只需要勾选允许来自局域网的连接就行,记住本地端口,默认为1080,如果想加账户名


                  Incorporated in 1999, we have built a reputation for integrity, honest advice, and a concern for the success of our clients. With staff in Saskatoon and Regina, Praxis draws on the knowledge, skills, and judgment of an unmatched set of seasoned specialists with backgrounds in business, government, and institutional sectors.


                  You get our best. We support clients through some of their toughest decisions, working closely as partners and advisors to deliver results. Praxis offers specialized knowledge and experience on a project basis, extending into on-going relationships. We take pride in our reputation for apolitical, independent and objective third party research and advice.


                  Our people are from Saskatchewan. We know its history, culture, people, institutions, and have practical experience working with clients in every economic and social sector. We are ideally positioned to assist organizations with understanding unique Saskatchewan perspectives at the grassroots level.


                  Praxis has no sales staff or account representatives; we are not a commodity supplier. Our key people work face-to-face with you on the front lines of your project. Our Principals are Certified Management Consultants and as such are bound by the Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants.


                  Our Clients Speak